Thursday, November 26, 2009


韩国模特Daul Kim 19号清晨被发现死于巴黎的住所之内,目前死因尚未查明,不过有 消息透露 Daul Kim属于自杀身亡。模特经纪公司Next发表声明:Daul Kim是一位优秀的模特,也是Next全体同 仁的好朋友。在这个悲伤的时刻希 望大家可以尊重Daul Kim的家庭隐私。

出生于韩国首尔的Daul Kim用自己的独特个性征服了整个时尚圈。当她第一次出现在 韩国 《Vogue》杂志时,那无瑕疵的街头风格便被网友和编辑们大肆渲染。被认可的Daul Kim随即成为先锋时尚 杂志《i-D》和 《Dazed & Confused》的‘当家’模特,就连时尚大帝Karl Lagerfeld也征服在她的个性魅力之中,2007年出现在 Chanel秋冬秀场后,Daul Kim迅速蹿红,跻身models.com排名前50位,成为备受瞩目的亚洲超模。

在Daul Kim短暂的模特职业生涯中,无数摄影师和造型师成为他的忠实拥趸,包括 Sebastian Kim、Erika Kurihara、Ben Hassett以及Steven Meisel。

面对镜头的Daul Kim,不是为工作而生的‘她’,而是最真实的她。



Yesterday my collegue told me an tvb old actor has pass away. As an tvb fans i was shock & feel sad when know this good actor and i quite like his acting eps after watch . He die as heart attack. Quite sad and dissapointed is tvb din plan to paid any money to his family becos they said he die not becos he overloaded work cos he only work till 4pm, this and that to proof that his deathy not related to company, but when he work OT for company and paid hard work for it did they mention? haiz...

i told my husband, see, he work for his whole life for TVB now the company say this kind f thing just to dont want to giv any compensate for his family.

人的一生为了工司卖命值得吗?有些人还牺牲了与家人一起的时间, 看着孩子长大陪伴他们的时间。到最后过劳死了,公司还说屁话。come on la!

我把工作做好是为上帝,为永恒的价值,除了为钱之外,不然我会斤斤计较,i enjoy work and paid hard work + heart work cos working also is a serving for God, work good for glorifying Him then also a chance to be a blessing to colleague, then enjoy the reward from work with family。但不会把工作放第一位。别以为拥有越多就越快乐越满足。

suicide rate no 1 ranking country is those rich country, just like the model said: when i gain much i feel lonely the most...i feel like im a ghost spirit... (“我获得越多,越感到孤独……我感觉像是一个鬼魂一样。”) money she got, fame she got, pretty she got...what still she lacking of?



bible quoted:



其實明天如何,你們還不知道。你們的生命是甚麼呢?你們原來是一片雲霧,出現少時就不見了。 -雅 4:14

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