Wednesday, January 30, 2008


这两天和老公一起看了他同事zhen li介绍和借我们的正电影。《破事儿》和《Across the universe 》

《破事儿》这部我是从素颜天使的部落格先看到她介绍的。然后就快快的到youtube check out。它应该有七个故事吧,可是不知为何只看到五个而已,少了林海峰和田蕊妮演的-不可抗力,还有关智斌和谭耀文演的德雅星。本身喜欢的是啊娇和
邓丽欣演的-《大头阿慧A Wai the big head》和陈奕迅 演的-《做节

据在中国念书了几年的zhen li说破事儿的意思是不关痛痒的事。读破事儿时要快,像说名跑车porcher那样。

彭浩翔喜欢找Twins的啊娇演戏,没找过比较会演戏的啊sa,就像莫文蔚的ex bf冯德伦也是比较对啊娇情有独中呢。啊娇也在这两位伯乐的戏里发挥了她独有的潜质。果然硕马还是要遇见他的伯乐。


主演:梁洛施 邓丽欣
杜汶泽 陈奕迅
钟欣桐 陈冠希
冯小刚 余文乐

另一步《Across the universe 》,果然好正。是部电影歌舞剧,七十年代,我出生的年代,披头四的年代,喇叭裤的年代,Twiggy, 迷你A字裙,头发中间分线,Bob hair,No war-make love, 喜皮士的年代。也是我很喜欢的fashion trend的一个年代。

这套戏有好多超超超正的classic歌。有大家都听过的披头四Hey Jude。男帅哥主角也叫Jude。他们唱的哦,不是配乐,配上情节,再配上Surrealism和Pop Art等等的风格。超有feel咧。老公看后上网check out 那导演,是女导演Julie Taymor哦,原来她有拍《Frida》。她的戏Art风格都很强,老公说她对美术的认识很深。哇。。。欣赏!看了《Across the universe 》后,变了会欣赏Surrealism了。^__^



Unknown said...

the story background should be somewhere between 1960- 1975 during the vietnam war.

the art movement inside not only got Pop culture, but also Abstract Expressionism, think Jackson Pollock, and Magical Realism. I especially like the part his use soldier to carry the statue of liberty and step on coconut tree ground.

a movie with full of imagination and memories.

yatzi jean lau tan said...

touching love story too o...i eps feel very touch is they sing and ask the asian girl-Prudence come out from cabinet by singing the song. suddenly from depress to full of hope and love and caring. :)

and also the last part in the bar Max sing to Jude - Hey Jude, dont make it bad, take a sad song and make it better...encourage him to get back his sister. :) wow...touching leh...totally bring out the song meaning...last time heard this song only think it is nice but this time is understand the whole meaning and touch by it. jeng ...