Sunday, June 22, 2008

鸭子煎老蛋opening soon...

鸭子煎老蛋将在七月的五号(六) opening! 各位乡亲父老,叔伯兄弟,兄弟姐妹,三姑六婆姨妈姑姐,到是早点到啦!see you baby!!!

一切荣耀归给我的主耶稣咯!!!thank You Jesus...^x^


Wilson Chin said...

Still remember you, some frens & I had run so many roads in Sunway Pyramid, haha, and pray so hard to God whenever we need help and Peace, all of us put so much time on it, and talk a lot on the things that we want to do.

Yet... God chose another road, a road for our own goodness, a better road for all of us, we will and we must always give thanks to God as He is the provider. you are so blessed, that God entrusted His treasure unto you to manage, do it well & wisely so God will entrust more for you to handle.

Althought it doesn't happen in Sunway Pyramid, but I like the fellowship, and thank you for being friend and advisor at the same time when I am in trouble. Now I am ok.

I always ask myself, what is God's will, how can I be sure, it is so hard to confirm, but I learn one thing, as long as you pray, it gives you a peaceful heart, and all is not against the teaching, you can go for it, no need pray for a long long time, long enough to lose focus and stop half way just to wait for answers. Eventhough you realized that you maybe chose a wrong decision, but as long as you seek God first, He will lead the way "with" you step by step, neither in front of you nor behind you, but He walk beside with you, protect you... you can learn so much being with Him, He will teach us anything we need to know(if you ask)....,why? because He is our "Father"

minifanfan said...


Anonymous said...


yatzi jean lau tan said...

yea...wilson, i remember. u and shin yu pray for me when my dad say dont want to invest in Sunway Pyramid's shop. I was very nervous and worry. I thank god got u 2 pray for me when i ask for prayer support.

i thank god that time u accompany me lepak here and there without rushing me when i kepo with others. wow...i miss that time man. :)

God know the best and teach me lots of things during that ukur lantai period. :)

Father in Heaven provide u and He will provide u too...just diff ppl diff time diff things he wants u and me learning. growing...

enjoy the process not only think of the result. kayao kayao

MickeyDstrange said...


MickeyDstrange said...
